Go Green & Save Green This Thanksgiving
By Elysia Walton, SnapSpace Solutions Staff
November 23, 2011
That time of the year has come around again—you know, the fourth Thursday of November—when your relatives come to town and you, in turn, must bake a precisely Pilgrim turkey complete with all essential trimmings, along with an elaborately decorated table. That’s right, Thanksgiving has arrived, and you are to please the family.
What is a good Thanksgiving without some holiday facts? Here are a few for you to think about: 91% of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving,[1] equaling about 280 million turkeys![2] That means just for Thanksgiving, the United States consume seven billion pounds of turkey, and have three billion dollars’ worth of sales.[3] These are quite incredible numbers, especially for just one day of festivities. Along with the essential turkey are the cranberries, of which about 20% of all consumed in the U.S. are eaten on Thanksgiving.[4]
Everyone here at SnapSpace Solutions is dedicated to helping improve our environment by doing the little things all of us as individuals can do to help. We have put together a few tips to help you save a little green and have a greener Thanksgiving this year! If you live in the north (like we do) you have probably already seen that shimmery layer of snow, and have watched the delightful green grass turn to hay-brown; so we are sure that a little bit of green will be a breath of fresh air.
One way to save money is to make a plan to use all of the holiday leftovers.[5] Turkey sandwiches, turkey soup, and, if you are creative enough, little turkey quiches, are a good way to use your leftovers. This will save you money, and give you an excuse to use those cooking skills again! For some leftover recipe ideas check out: http://www.foodnetwork.com/thanksgiving-leftovers/package
Another way to save a little money, and be a little greener, is to use reusable shopping bags while purchasing the necessary foodstuffs.[6] Using these instead of the standard plastic or paper bags will save you having to throw away all those bags after shopping, too!
If you would like to make Thanksgiving more than just, “eat then sleep,” try making some family traditions. One great way to get the family together and aid the environment is to make a tradition of planting a tree every Thanksgiving.[7] Before you know it you could have your own little orchard complete with pear, orange, and apple trees! Perhaps you could even throw in a maple tree for the kids to climb. Something I have done for the past few years with my family is to make a blessing jar. Throughout the year when any of us receive a blessing, or something we are thankful for, we write it on a little slip of paper and put it in the jar! When Thanksgiving comes around and your little jar is booming with blessings, we take turns reading to share our blessings after our meal. It brings us closer as a family, and helps us to remember the things we are thankful for.
Alas, Thanksgiving has come. The turkey is thawed and deliciously cooked, the dishes are prepared and your family has taken their seats around the table—your best silver is shining from its recent polishing. Your in-laws are happy, and the kids are excited for new activities and traditions. There’s a nice little tree in the backyard ready to plant, and you have all of your new leftover recipes ready to use. Enjoy this special holiday and remember – be thankful!
[1] http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/11/10-interesting-thanksgiving-facts/
[2] http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/11/10-interesting-thanksgiving-facts/
[3] http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/11/10-interesting-thanksgiving-facts/
[4] http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/11/10-interesting-thanksgiving-facts/
[5] http://environment.about.com/od/greenthanksgiving/tp/ef_thanksgiving.htm
[6] http://environment.about.com/od/greenthanksgiving/tp/ef_thanksgiving.htm
[7] http://environment.about.com/od/greenthanksgiving/tp/ef_thanksgiving.htm